Releasing More Than Stuff

Three and a half years ago I started this blog and announced I would write every week. I have done this faithfully and now is a time for change. Lately it has become more of a chore to write each week. Finding a topic, the time to write and then edit has become more cumbersome. I have decided it is okay to change my goal. I will now write whenever I feel the urge to share something.

Goals can change

So I am releasing this time frame and changing my frequency. It might be twice a month, it may be every couple of months. What goals and aspirations can you release that no longer serve you? Are you holding on to them just because you said you would do it? I’m learning to not worry about what others think about me changing my routine and making sure my needs are met. Then and only then can I serve others better! Remember to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping other with theirs!

I am close to having a clutter-free home. One friend mentioned after reading my blog posts each week, “what more could you possibly have in your home to purge?!’ I feel there is a bit more to get out of the house, AND I have released a lot over these past three years.

Thank you for being my faithful readers! Here’s to a clutter-free home, ~Ellen

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